Identify bottlenecks and improve the flowrate – value stream analysis and value stream design
Processes grow with the company, often in an organic way. New upcoming requirements lead to changes in the specific process to meet new demands.
However, a periodic reflection of the processes and the layout is often missing. This leads to inefficient and unnecessarily complicated processes that are not consistent with their surroundings anymore. Especially changes like the implementation of a new ERP system, merger with other companies, growth, etc. can lead to erroneous or at least wasteful processes.
Value stream analysis is a tool to visualize processes and their key parameter in order to systematically identify wasteful parts and potentials for improvement. The next step is to design an improved/ideal process by using LEAN principles. This is called value stream design. Finally, an implementation plan has to be developed.
Participants will learn the theory of value stream analysis/design as well as the basics of important LEAN principles required for process improvement. Furthermore, practical examples will be discussed to build up competence regarding real-world processes and to let you profit from our experiences. Also, participants will be trained to share their knowledge within their company to make value stream analysis/design a common and well known tool for a continuous improvement in their company.
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