Status quo (outlined):
- Machine cuts, grinds and mills parts from bar stocks.
- Large batch sizes, to reduce the number of setups → company focuses on maximum capacity utilization
- Machines are stopped during the entire setup process.
- The setup process is performed by one employee.
Actions planned by the company:
None. Large batch sizes (causing high WIP (work in process; inventories)) are considered ideal.
Master plan by SYNCRO EXPERTS:
Reduction of setup times by at least 50%.
- Recording of every single step of a setup process including the respective time increments
- Visualization of the current state
- Separation of internal setup operations (require the machine to be stopped) and external setup operations (can be performed during machine operation)
- Conduction of the ECRS analysis (Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, Simplify)
- Involvement of the machine operators as experts
- Development of a masterplan
- Implementation of the optimized setup process according to the masterplan
- Trial run
- Go live
Initially: A number of setup steps have been rearranged, to be performed as external setup operations (can be performed with the machine still running) → Setup time reduction by 55%
Further Optimization: A second machine operator assists during the setup process → Setup time reduction by a total of 70%