Vision and targets to define the right direction!
„Learning to see“ - separation of value adding and non value adding steps (waste) within the process operations!
Fundamental order, tidiness and transparency, that´s the way to get insight into the company! Creating Standard operations, only what is recurring and defined, can be improved!
Creating a detailed current state map using value stream mapping - from the final end close to the customer to the beginning of the process
Improving the process using the LEAN principles takt, flow and pull
Takt: calculation of the customer takt to determine the necessary capacities
Flow: to reduce the routing of transportation within the organisation (macro-flow), linking single working stations (micro-flow) by establishing a one-piece-flow. This is reducing lead times, delivery performance will be increased and turnover will be done much faster
Pull: Working only with real customer demand. Reducing inventories (WIP) to avoid unnecessary capital commitment.
Lean operations must be secured in two respects, technical and qualitywise. It´s necessary to know the suitable methods and tools which have to be applied !
Taking care about the human beings within the organization, they are leading each kind of process operations.
Implementing Shopfloor-Management for overall protection and sustainablity!
Is there any kind of action you see in your company? Don´t hesitate to contact us!
Avoid waste!